My original paintings are only available locally on the Treasure Coast of Florida - from my hands to yours. (Or those of your purchasing representative.) I do not ship them. Contact me for a list of currently available pieces, the locations and times of local art shows and events, or to meet me at my exhibit in Downtown Vero Beach.
Prices range from $300-$3k.
I currently have 3 available paintings. (Updated Jan 2020)
Original Paintings
Art Suggestion List & About Commissions:
For the foreseeable future, I do not offer commissions. My creative spirit is a flighty creature, and art that is up to my standards is always born of random strikes of inspiration. However, I do keep a suggestion list of marine animals that my art collectors and friends would like to see in my artwork.
How The List Works:
If I paint something from the list, it is in no particular order. I spend a lot of time on each of my creations, averaging about 8 new paintings per year, so please remember it could be a long time - there's easily six years worth of art on this list!
If you'd like to add a sea critter name to the list, click the contact button below to send me a message. In the event I paint your critter, I will send you an email! (If you want to call dibs on purchasing the original painting, let me know in your message.)
The List: (Links in blue are finished!)
California Grey Whale
Redfish II
Snook II
Brook Trout
Rainbow Trout
Beluga Whale
Great White Shark II
Spiny Lobster
King Mackerel
Striped Burrfish
Humpback Whale
Whale Shark
Cuvier's Beaked Whale
Thresher Shark
Fiddler Crab
Giant Squid
Manta Ray
Maine Lobster
Largemouth Bass
Portuguese Man O' War
The Loch Ness Monster (!)
Coral Specimens
Great Barracuda
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Dungeness Crab
Octopus II
Cleaner Shrimp
Bonnethead Shark
Mantis Shrimp
Mutton Snapper
Stone Crab
Mole Crab / "Sand Flea"
California Sheepshead
Leafy Sea Dragon
Yellowfin Tuna
Flying Fish
Horseshoe Crab
Black Drum
Lane Snapper
Gag Grouper
Ghost Crab
Flathead Catfish
Chambered Nautilus
Florida Alligator
Emperor Penguin